Saturday, September 4, 2010

Week One: Here we Go

I enjoyed a twenty hour day of travel to start off my life here in Jerusalem. While on the plane I sat next to a Jewish girl who was going to school in Israel; best seat in the house. She gave me her kosher meal and I hummed classic rock as she tried to guess the song. I asked if she wanted to play a game, then quickly realized that the only game I had was pass the pigs, I didn't know what would happen so I changed subjects to a movie. Sadly the movie was swing kids, a movie about exterminating Jews, I didn't win that trip.

I got to foreign visitor line where I needed to get my past port stamped. Let me tell you it was a party. The lady at the front desk "spoke English". She asked me why I was there I told her for school, she replied, “So let me see your student visa.” In my mind I remembered that we weren't supposed to say we were students rather tourist. I tried to correct myself only to confuse her more. She then asked me how long I would be in the country, she asked five times and then said, “sir do you speak English,” I replied yes, and then she said (rudely) why can’t you understand me. What am I supposed to say to that, she’s holding my passport and I'm trying to receive a visa so I told her I was dumb. I thought that would suffice; I didn't. She then asked me what my profession was; I replied I don't have a profession. She stopped, did a double take and said, “You’re twenty four and you don't have a profession. (At this point I thought my mom was playing a joke on me because I thought she was the only one who was concerned with that.) I replied, yes, and then she asked how I was paying for it. Apparently foreign people don't understand savings without a profession. She gave up on me and I had to meet with some really nice head officer who couldn't care less if I was in or out of the country.

Next I saw a Muslim wearing a shirt that said, " I'm a gangster" I thought it was odd so I kept reading only to find the small print under the shirt saying, I'm the biggest gay in the city and I have lots of money. I'm pretty sure he didn't know what he was buying. (Good reminder to buy shirts that you can read.)

I made it into Jerusalem, Amazing, we did lots of orientation and took a quick tour of the city. What an amazing place and what amazing people. Right now the museums are in Ramadan, they are fasting all day and only eat at night, and we were introduced to this at 4:30 when we all woke up to them praying. It seems crazy if you're not here but to listen to the sound of a voice praying so fervently to God, they're good people who have great convictions.

Today was fast Saturday (aka Sunday) and we thought it would be a great idea to the garden of Gethsemane, we did and it was hot. Long story short, we complained and whined about how hard it was to walk up a hill while we fasted and in a moments time I thought about one who is not so selfish who didn't complain that also walked up those hills, in a much worse state with a lot more weight on his shoulders (physically and spiritually speaking). God loves us so he sent his son.

I head a quote by Harold B. Lee that said, "Inspiration comes easier when you can set foot on the site related to the need for it." I'm sure I'm naive in ways but I am amazed how quickly my mind wrapped around (in a small degree) the task at hand to restore this land to peace. Two concluding thoughts.

The hymns are amazing, it's a special experience to look over Jerusalem and sing Israel; Israel God is calling, and Redeemer of Israel. The standing invitation which is to come unto Christ and he will lead you to Zion in Love, and there restore all blessing promise.

In my own personal life I have been studying the Atonement and the power in which it heals, but more particularly the power in which it gives to those who deserved and didn't receive. My heart rejoices in knowing that somehow in some way God will bring all of Israel home and in some way God will make everything right, not one will feel ripped off.


  1. Haha sounds like you had tons of fun getting your visa!

  2. hey Jake fun experiences , we miss you. hope your learning lots, like the age you should have a profession . be careful and have tons of fun love mom

  3. Love it. I always love hearing your stories! Can't wait to hear more. Love you! Britt
