Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Prostituting Cake!

I came into the house to find my brother finishing an entire box of delectable rare treats (This was his first semester at college). Why did you eat so many treats, I asked with anger in my voice. With contempt he replied, I am hungry. As I walked away  I tried to tell myself that college life for him hadn't fully presented itself.  

Time went on, poverty increased and food decreased. No longer was my brother eating the good food to get full. He understood that treats are for the tongue not the belly. Late one night we came up with the following.

Too many people try to get full off cake. When hungry, cake seems like the ideal food, but for those who indulge understand that looks and taste are deceiving.  You may get full but you can never be filled off cake. We judgmentally see those who never break the "cake to fill" mentality. They are five sizes to big, four steps behind, and are never satisfied. Oh those prostituting cakes!!

Next time you're looking to be filled and cake seduces your eyes just remember, it may look good at the time but heeding to it's beckoning call only leads to your demise.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Sin, the Dish; and I'm covered in Leftovers.

Dishes were never designed to be dirty. Dishes were designed to be used; it was the potter who understood that by using a dish it would become dirty. Contrary to popular belief this does not make dirty dish's acceptable.
Sin is like a dirty dish. When washed quickly the grime washes off with nearly zero effort. The problem isn't that the dish gets dirty for the potter knew it would. The problem is that we don't wash off our dishes. The longer the dish sits the more one has to do to get it to become clean again, eventually your dirty dish affects everything in the room. Long painful scrubbing occurs when the dishes sits for a long time.

So what's the solution? The solution is getting rid of the sink!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What if Looks were directly connected with personalities?

There lies some beautiful skin that masks some very ugly people. I've seen skin be the only thing that kept people from going everywhere at once. I've seen it be one of a few things that holds up depressed souls. I've seen skin ten sizes to small, I've seen skin be entirely to tall for such a small spirit. I've seen skin; and in most cases skin pays little to the justice individuals deserve.

What if looks were directly connected with personalities? what would you look like? would you be better off? would you have spiritual acne? would you have emotional obesity?