Monday, March 21, 2011

Immune to Rain

We mask our faces trying to hide our emotions, why don’t we mast our hearts?

The heart can’t lie; it’s not a filter, rather a distributer. The heart takes what it’s given, uses what it needs then gives to everything around it.

The heart speaks through two-way communication. If the heart is being deprived it becomes evident through the windows of your soul.

Why do men’s hearts fail them?

A failure to distribute creates a failure to receive. A failure to receive creates a cardiac arrest.
What next for the heart that fails?

Out with the old in with the new, out with the old end with the new. Time after time, the heart needs to be manually pumped by skilled hands that are persistently delivering a new life support. The hands masterfully helping the heart distribute until one day the heart needs no support.

Eventually the heart gains rhythm and beats independently.  

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